Lamp Berger Fragrance Oil Scent are extracts taken from natural sources like stems, leaves, flowers, barks seeds or even whole plants as fragrant oils equipped with all the positive energies a plant has in itself. These fragrances can be used for your wellbeing and treatment & as catalysts to improve general health and cure. It has been proven that Lampe Berger Home Fragrance Oil Scent can work as a viable alternative medicine to treat skin diseases, nerve problems and many other diseases that have resulted as a reaction to stress or constant strain on muscles.
Helps to Remove: Pet Odors
Food Odors
Smoking Odors
The lamp uses the process of catalytic combustion to purify the surrounding air as it burns. Fuel consisting of fragrance mixed with an isopropyl alcohol base heat and diffuses into the surrounding air, bonding at the molecular level with odor-causing impurities and turning them to harmless water and carbon dioxide. The Lampe Berger works like an ordinary oil lamp and requires nothing more than the right fuel and a match to significantly improve the smell and purity of the air in a room.
How to Use: 1. Fill the lamp 2/3 full with fragrance oil.
2. Inset the wick into lamp.
3. Light the ceramic burner.
4. After 2 minutes blow out the flame.
5. Put the vented cap on the lamp.
6. After 20 minutes put the solid cap on the lamp.
Item Weight: 2 pounds
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
Manufacturer: Lampe Berger